The Benefits of Freezing Chicken Eggs and How to Do It Right

Ever considered freezing your chicken eggs? It’s a convenient and cost-effective way to store extra eggs for later use, especially during the cold wi…

How to Ship Hatching Eggs

At a Frugal Homestead, one of the things that we enjoy the most is sharing our love of raising chickens. Currently on the farm we have five different…

How to Track Chicken Egg Production

If you're like most chicken owners, you probably have a few questions about poultry record keeping.  How do I keep track of how many eggs my chick…

What to Feed Chickens

Having chickens is very rewarding, but it can be frustrating when the chickens aren't eating well or laying eggs like you had hoped.  The best wa…

Easy Chicken Coop from Old Pallets and Wood Fencing

Living on 10 acres of farm land has its advantages.  Not only do we have room to roam, land to have animals and crops, but we also have loads of garb…

10 Tips for Successfully Hatching Chicken Eggs

"It's happening Dad!!  The baby chick is hatching," my daughter screamed as she watched in delight.   There is nothing as exciting and e…

Do you need a rooster for chickens to lay eggs?

If a rooster laid an egg on the top of a barn, which way would the egg roll?  Well in a perfect world the egg would roll down whichever side made it s…

How Many Chickens Should I Get?

If you are new to raising chickens you may start out by asking yourself the very simple question of how many chickens should I get or how many chicke…

Best Chicken Breeds for Egg Laying

So you want to have your own egg laying chickens?  Let me warn you now, chickens are the gateway animal to homesteading.   Chickens are easy to tend, …

10 Tips to Raising Backyard Chickens

Raising chickens is a great way to start out any homesteading journey.  Not only will you get eggs daily, but you'll have a great animal…

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