10 Tips on Growing a Bountiful Cut Flower Garden

Growing your own flower garden is a wonderful way to bring beauty and happiness into your life. Watching tiny seeds grow into colorful blooms can fil…

Growing and Harvesting Potatoes

When you live in Idaho, it is common for people to think you grow your own potatoes.  Let me put this idea to rest.  Local farmers grow potatoes and …

Grow, Harvest and Store Spaghetti Squash

Looking for a new addition to your garden this spring? We suggest you grow spaghetti squash. Not only is s paghetti squash an easy-to-grow vegetable…

How to Braid Onions

Onions are a staple in our kitchen.  I'd say about 80 percent of the meals that we make include onions.  Which means every year we plant onions , …

Growing and Harvesting Onions

The second year of our marriage, we created a little plot in our backyard to plant a garden.  We didn't have much room or really know what we wer…

Grow a Pumpkin from Seed – A Step-by-Step Guide

One of the biggest indicators that fall has finally arrived, for me, is when our pumpkins are ready to harvest.  They are full size, orange (blue, gr…

The Best Way to Save Pumpkin Seeds for Planting

As pumpkin season approaches, many of us begin to think about all the wonderful ways we can use pumpkins.  This post contains affiliate links to produ…

How to Harvest Sunflower Seeds for Planting

If you're like me, you love sunflowers. They're such happy flowers! They just make you feel good.  And what's not to love about sunflower …

How to Plant, Grow and Harvest Beautiful Carrots

One of the questions that new homesteaders and gardeners often have is how do you know when to pick carrot?  This post contains affiliate links to pro…

How to Plant Corn Seeds

Many people think of corn as nothing more than a tasty summertime treat. But this humble vegetable actually has a lot to offer. Today we'll walk …

Gardening Tips and Tricks

Gardening is not just a hobby, but a great way to sustain a healthy relationship with food, provide for your family and awesome exercise.   But it doe…

How to Make Strawberry Freezer Jam

Strawberries just happen to be one of our favorite fruits.  We love to pick them fresh or grab them from a local fruit seller.  But our favorite is s…

Winter Sowing A Vegetable Garden

I often hear the question when do I start my garden?  How early can I put it into the ground? This is kind of a loaded question.  There are a lot of v…

Growing Green Beans for Beginners

Gardening is very rewarding.  Tiny plants grow and yield delicious veggies that can be eaten for days, months, even years to come. One of the easiest …

How to Grow Sunflowers Successfully

Sunflowers are one of our favorite gardening traditions.  About 5 years ago we started planting giant sunflowers to help shade parts of the garden an…

How to Start Seeds

Having a garden is one of the best ways for a homestead to be self sufficient.  In the almost 13 years we've been married, we've had a garden…

Easy Steps to Plant a Garden

11 years ago my husband and I planted our very first garden.  We had a small amount of experience planting our own food and couldn't wait to have…

Easy Freezer Sweet Corn Recipe

When it comes to versatile vegetables, corn is definitely at the top of the list. Corn can be used in a wide variety of dishes, from soups and …

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